2021 Wrap

Welcome to our new look e-newsletter! It’s been a busy 12 months and we can’t believe it’s almost Christmas!

GeoMoby experienced significant growth in 2021 with the support of some important partners including Digital Terrain, Hardhat, Red Earth Health Solutions, Pybar, RAC, Deloitte, OzMinerals and, most recently, Downer.

We’re proud of these partnerships that have delivered geolocation intelligence solutions to suit a variety of needs – all with the aim of boosting safety and productivity.

Our world-first technology now provides real-time data on safety, assets, people and health indoors/outdoors and underground, allowing leaders to make better and more informed decisions. Using a wide range of technologies, our geofencing and live monitoring capabilities now also work offline and are more accurate than Google or Apple with minimum latency – a significant achievement of which we are extremely proud of, after many years of research and testing.

Additional growth includes the recruitment of five new full-time employees at our West Perth offices, launch of a new website and welcome of accomplished mining professional Andrew Rouse as a Director at GeoMoby.

2022 will see us roll out our technology to more mine sites, expand our partnerships and push into new industries including insurance.

We thank you for your support along our journey and wish you and your family a safe and joyous festive season and new year.

Chris + Math

GeoMoby Directors - Chris Baudia and Mathieu Paul - Location and Business Intelligence