Rencontrez nos directeurs, Chris et Math

L'équipe de GeoMoby façonne l'avenir de l'intelligence de géolocalisation, en améliorant la sûreté, la sécurité et les performances dans toute une gamme d'industries.

GeoMoby - Chris Baudia - PDG - Location Intelligence - Technologie de géolocalisation - Perth

Ingénieur en télécommunications d'origine française Christophe (Chris) Baudia was backpacking around Australia in 2007 when he confronted a problem every traveller has at some point – trying to find the nearest public toilet or shower facilities.

He realised there was no central database for travellers to access, so he created his own app Aussie Loos – which allowed users to find and rate their nearest public facilities. This expanded to include other information like beach closures and grocery deals.

Chris quickly realised the technology was more valuable than the app itself. That same technology has evolved to cater for a far more serious issue – helping businesses boost staff safety, productivity, and asset management through world-first technology.

When Chris isn’t at work, he can be found surfing or kitesurfing on a beach somewhere in Western Australia.


GeoMoby - Mathieu Paul - Directeur - Location Intelligence - Technologie de géolocalisation - Perth

Rencontrez le directeur de GeoMoby Mathieu-Paul. Math travaille chez GeoMoby depuis 2016 et apporte une vaste expérience à l'entreprise, en particulier dans le développement des affaires, la gestion et les compétences entrepreneuriales générales.

Math’s primary role is to grow GeoMoby technology and applications in a range of different industries, from mining to insurance. He’s passionate about finding geolocation solutions that boost safety and increase productivity.

The biggest lesson Math has learnt since being with GeoMoby is… resilience! It’s been a steep but rewarding journey and he’s excited about all the possible applications for GeoMoby technology into the future.

GeoMoby - Mathieu Paul - Chris Baudia - Directeurs - Location Intelligence - GeoLocation Technology - Perth