GeoMoby s'associe à Cisco pour renforcer la sécurité des mines souterraines

La société australienne de technologie minière GeoMoby s'associe à la société technologique mondiale basée aux États-Unis Cisco Systems (NASDAQ : CSCO).

La technologie complémentaire des deux sociétés vise à améliorer la sécurité et les opérations dans les mines souterraines, à mesure que les mines du futur deviennent plus intelligentes.

La société Cisco à capitalisation boursière de $216,73 milliards US développe, fabrique et vend du matériel de réseau, des logiciels, des équipements de télécommunications et d'autres services et produits de haute technologie.

GeoMoby will utilise, extend, and enhance Cisco’s technology within mining operations. The result is an implementable mining platform that enables continual optimisation of operations and safety in underground mining.

Dans un récent blog sur l'exploitation minière souterraine, Cisco a déclaré que l'opportunité avec GeoMoby pourrait offrir une série d'avantages, notamment la réduction ou l'élimination des lacunes dans la connectivité réseau et la communication, ainsi qu'une carte 3D tout-en-un et une localisation en temps réel, y compris les données existantes. Balises et infrastructure Cisco.

Perth-based GeoMoby, which was founded in 2013 by CEO Chris Baudia, provides an all-in-one, visibility platform allowing real-time monitoring of assets and people. The company’s objective is to change the way businesses make decisions and reach people.

GeoMoby’s technology is based on Bluetooth and a proprietary mesh network. Nodes are bright green and the size of a lunchbox with many fixed throughout mines. The firm has a patent for its underground location technology, which can be installed onsite without the need for electricians.

La technologie est entièrement sans fil et sans câble. L’installation souterraine nécessite généralement moins d’une heure de formation.

GeoMoby director Mathieu Paul says GeoMoby’s innovative technology has been rigorously tested by Cisco and has been proven to ‘vastly’ improve underground mining visibility, the ability to locate assets and people in real-time, and protect people.

“With the support of Cisco, the GeoMoby team is looking forward to rolling out our technology to many of the world’s largest underground mines over the coming years.”

In Perth, Baudia says working alongside Cisco is a significant development and will accelerate the company’s growth in Australia and overseas.

“We look forward to working closely together as we continue to improve safety in underground mining and ultimately accelerate the digitalisation and automation of the industry.

Un expert de haut niveau de l’industrie nous a dit qu’il n’y a actuellement personne de meilleur que GeoMoby dans le domaine des technologies de communication souterraines dans le monde. Il s'agit d'une recommandation très importante pour notre produit.

The world is changing – environmental and heritage concerns are driving more and more mines underground. There is a demand to make those mines operate more productively and keep workers safer.

“The world is changing – environmental and heritage concerns are driving more and more mines underground. There is a demand to make those mines operate more productively and keep workers safer”

Cisco – which is the premium technology provider for mines in the world – has recognised the innovative technology approach of GeoMoby can be of real and immediate benefit in underground mining safety.”

Baudia a eu l'idée de créer la technologie souterraine GeoMoby lors d'une visite en Australie depuis la France il y a plus de dix ans, après avoir entendu parler de l'effondrement d'une mine souterraine. Des vies ont été perdues et les efforts de sauvetage ont été compromis par le fait de ne pas savoir avec précision où se trouvaient les personnes piégées. Il a ensuite cherché à développer une technologie permettant d’éviter ou d’améliorer considérablement les conséquences positives de tels incidents à l’avenir.

Baudia adds that many underground mines – in Western Australia and the world – still use outdated employee monitoring systems that revolve around whiteboards, spreadsheets, and tag boards. Mistakes concerning equipment and people can easily be made, especially at the change of shift crews or during an emergency.

“There are no excuses in 2023 – our technology can monitor workers at all times, making sure everyone returns home safely, every single day. It is a valuable, modern tool in the kitbag of any mine manager ensuring the health and safety of large teams, working underground.

Companies always need to know where their people are underground otherwise – in an emergency – response times can lag. Too often, in underground mining, there can be an inability to quickly and accurately locate personnel involved in critical incidents so the relevant emergency response can be employed in a timely manner.”

In September 2021, Andrew Rouse – an experienced mining professional with a passion for enhancing the METS (mining equipment technology services) sector – joined GeoMoby as a director.

Fin 2022, GeoMoby a entrepris de lever $3 millions de capital, le deuxième tour de table entrepris depuis sa création. La première a eu lieu en 2021, lorsque la société a levé 1,25 million de $.

GeoMoby possède un brevet pour sa technologie de localisation souterraine.


Read the full article here –

GeoMoby s'associe à Cisco pour renforcer la sécurité des mines souterraines