"Pas d'excuses en 2023"

Location Intelligence Company – GeoMoby – says Many Australian Underground Mining Companies Can Improve Safety of Workers Right Now by Installing New Mining Technology.

Les sanctions, en vertu des lois sur la santé et la sécurité au travail de WA, incluent désormais des amendes maximales de $10m pour les entreprises.

Les balises (ou nœuds) GeoMoby permettant la communication ont la taille d'une boîte à lunch et sont fixées aux parois des tunnels dans les mines souterraines, à des intervalles stratégiques.

In Perth, mining location technology company GeoMoby – shaping the future of location intelligence – says the safety of underground workers can be improved right now thanks to the ability to easily install its company’s bright green, lunch-box-sized ‘nodes’ or beacons. Placed throughout mines, these can enable constant communication underground.

“Many underground mines – in Western Australia and the world – still use employee monitoring systems that revolve around whiteboards and bits of cardboard,” said Chris Baudia, founder of GeoMoby. “Mistakes concerning equipment and people can easily be made, especially at the change of shift crews or during an emergency. There are no excuses in 2023 – our technology can monitor workers at all times, making sure everyone returns home safely, every single day. It is a valuable, modern tool in the kitbag of any mine manager ensuring the health and safety of large teams, working underground.”

“Companies always need to know where their people are underground otherwise – in an emergency – response times can lag. Too often, in underground mining, there can be an inability to quickly and accurately locate personnel involved in critical incidents so the relevant emergency response can be employed in a timely manner.”

Loi sur la santé et la sécurité au travail du gouvernement de WA

“Western Australia introduced new tougher laws on work, health and safety (WHS) in March, 2022 and now, in 2023, there are no excuses,” he said. “It is particularly important for WA underground mines to embrace world-leading technology. The State Government’s Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) replaces previous legislation circa 1984, effectively aligning all workplaces under a single act to improve protections for WA workers. This is the most significant upgrade to WHS legislation in 30 years.”

The new WHS Act introduces the offence of ‘industrial manslaughter’ – the offence carries a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment and $5m fine for an individual, and a maximum fine of $10m for a corporation or employer. Senior decision-makers must exercise due diligence to ensure compliance, with responsibility firmly sitting with management when it comes to workplace safety.

“In addition, our research indicates that right now millions of dollars are being unnecessarily lost underground,” Chris Baudia said. “Lack of accurate asset tracking leads to vehicles and equipment being lost in tunnels, underutilized, used improperly or unable to be located at all. Our technology can be connected to valuable equipment to keep it safe as well as people.”

Mines souterraines

GeoMoby technology is based on beacons (nodes) and a mesh network. Nodes are bright green and the size of a lunchbox. Many are fixed throughout mines. Nodes do not require cables and operate using Last Mile Connectivity. GeoMoby has a patent for its underground location technology. For underground installation, onsite electricians are not required. Mining operations do not need to be shutdown – the technology is fully wireless and cable free. There are two ways of putting nodes on rock walls. Nodes can be strapped onto existing underground mesh which is commonly onsite or they can be bolted onto walls. Undergound installation generally takes less than an hour of training. GeoMoby technicians easily attach nodes or ‘lunchboxes’ underground at strategic intervals, by hooking them to mesh, often already on walls. It is very simple and GeoMoby has experience installing 2km of coverage in two hours. A small team will go to site and oversee installation. Maximum space between the nodes is 400m underground and 600m in open pits. The entire deployment process is generally around 2 days.

Mines à ciel ouvert

GeoMoby technology is a ‘fusion’ of various technologies that uses small batteries, smart phones, GPS, beacons (nodes) and geofences. GeoMoby has a geofencing patent for this.

Protection du patrimoine culturel

GeoMoby travaille également avec un certain nombre de sociétés minières et d'énergie renouvelable pour utiliser sa technologie d'intelligence de localisation pour protéger les sites du patrimoine culturel et a développé l'application Protect, la nouvelle meilleure pratique en matière de protection du patrimoine culturel. La technologie de localisation numérise la cartographie des zones culturellement sensibles et fournit une plate-forme basée sur une application pour alerter les utilisateurs des terres travaillant dans ces zones. Cette technologie réduit immédiatement les risques et simplifie un processus qui repose actuellement fortement sur l'intervention humaine.

Des essais GeoMoby réussis ont été réalisés avec RAC, Downer et plusieurs exploitations minières à ciel ouvert et souterraines en Australie occidentale.

“It is imperative that every team member returns safely to their families at the end of their shift, but what you can’t measure, you can’t manage,” said Chris Baudia.

“This is particularly important in challenging environments such as mining (where staff, vehicles and machines are located underground) and visibility is limited. Compound these challenges, with a work environment increasingly impacted by health issues, and it is clear businesses must work smarter to ensure the safety of their teams. With our technology, staff health metrics can be monitored in real-time from the moment they arrive on site, detecting emergency situations the moment they arise, and prompting immediate action. Location-based safety analytics are crucial to implementing a safe system while ensuring little impact on production.”

GeoMoby is now Australia’s most advanced location intelligence platform with a specialisation in live tracking and geofencing technologies for the mining industry. It provides a 360-degree view platform so its clients can visualize their assets – trucks, light vehicles, machines – and the most important one, people. This is done in real-time deep down an underground tunnel.

Veuillez voir un exemple vidéo ici – https://geomoby.com/case-study/underground-asset-management/

À propos de GéoMoby

GeoMoby, basé à Perth, fournit une plate-forme de visibilité tout-en-un permettant une surveillance en temps réel des actifs et des personnes. L'objectif de GeoMoby est de changer la façon dont les entreprises prennent des décisions et atteignent les gens, pour les aider à contrôler leurs données et leur avenir.

It was established in 2013, in Perth, by founder and CEO Chris Baudia. GeoMoby’s leadership team is also supported by Mathieu Paul who was appointed as a director and head of strategy in 2016. Mathieu oversees sales and marketing. In September 2021, Andrew Rouse – an experienced mining professional with a passion for enhancing the METS (mining equipment technology services) sector, also joined GeoMoby as a director. Andrew helps develop strategic technology, software, and B2B partnerships in conjunction with Chris and Mathieu. GeoMoby employs 14 staff. Most are software specialists and based in Perth but some are located remotely. One staff member, originally from the Ukraine, lives in Israel, and others work in Kazakhstan and Poland. GeoMoby values highly its hard-working team, a priceless asset for any business. Its years of investment in R&D before going to market have ensured a quality, tested and proven, cost-effective, outcome-based offering that can now be delivered to market. In late 2022, GeoMoby undertook a successful capital raising of $3m, the second successful funding round undertaken by GeoMoby. In 2021, the company raised $1.25m.

L'effondrement d'une mine souterraine inspire la technologie

Chris Baudia a eu l'idée de créer la technologie GeoMoby – lors d'une visite en Australie depuis la France il y a plus de dix ans – après avoir entendu parler de l'effondrement d'une mine souterraine. Des vies ont été perdues et les efforts de sauvetage ont été compromis par l’ignorance, de manière précise, de l’endroit où se trouvaient les personnes piégées. Il savait qu’il pouvait développer une technologie permettant d’éviter ou d’améliorer considérablement les conséquences positives de tels incidents à l’avenir. C’est ainsi qu’est née l’idée de GeoMoby.


La technologie GeoMoby peut résoudre une série d'inefficacités opérationnelles sur les sites miniers qui peuvent survenir en raison : du manque de données précises et opportunes ; les questions d'engagement des parties prenantes ; et les limites de conformité ESG, spécifiquement liées à la protection du patrimoine culturel.

GeoMoby possède des capacités sans précédent pour transformer les données en valeur en temps réel – offrant une géolocalisation intérieure et extérieure avec une précision supérieure aux normes de l'industrie – ainsi qu'une consommation de batterie négligeable, une solution qu'elle a brevetée.

GeoMoby utilise l'intelligence de localisation, la géolocalisation, les données contextuelles, le géorepérage, l'analyse comportementale et des réseaux sans fil et sans câble indépendants des opérateurs. Cela résout de nombreux problèmes en fournissant une plate-forme de suivi en direct (LTP) hyper précise et un système de localisation en temps réel (RTLS) pour les opérations souterraines et de surface.

La technologie riche en fonctionnalités de GeoMoby permet également aux utilisateurs de déclencher des alertes et des actions basées sur des ensembles prédéfinis de conditions, notamment le temps de séjour, la température corporelle, la météo, le trafic en temps réel, le profil de l'utilisateur, etc. Des barrières géographiques complexes (limites géographiques virtuelles) peuvent être configurées pour déclencher des actions personnalisées lorsqu'elles sont franchies.

La technologie offre une plate-forme SAAS basée sur le cloud. GeoMoby agit comme un pont qui génère des données puissantes et les convertit en informations significatives à partir desquelles des décisions commerciales critiques peuvent être prises pour atteindre les objectifs de santé, de sécurité, d'efficacité et de productivité.

À propos de Chris Baudia, PDG et fondateur

Chris is the entrepreneur and inventor, and driving force, behind GeoMoby. In the past, he has managed multi-million dollar projects for Accenture. He holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications and is a certified Scrum Master since 2009. He has been a QuantumTX National Finalist (WA winner 2022), Hot 30 Core Innovation award winner (2022), a finalist in the RISE Business Award for Startup of the Year (2020) and a recipient of the Amcom Upstart Investment Program in 2015. He lives in Perth, Western Australia and is originally from France.

Pour plus d'information veuillez contacter:

Pour GeoMoby, Cate Rocchi, Perth Media
0428 431 699
