Idées clés:
- GeoMoby’s new tech was recently used at the Beta Hunt mine
- Il a démontré que le Bluetooth Low Energy est efficace
- Une telle technologie est plus efficace et plus sûre que de devoir se relayer via Wi-Fi ou d'autres méthodes.
La société de géolocalisation GeoMoby, basée à West Perth, a réalisé une nouvelle avancée technique qui, selon elle, transformera la façon dont les sociétés minières peuvent communiquer et surveiller leurs opérations.
A project demonstrating Bluetooth Low Energy’s effectiveness was recently undertaken in an underground section of Karora Resources’ gold and nickel Beta Hunt mine in Kalgoorlie using GeoMoby’s new technology.
It confirmed that live audio and video streams in real time can be achieved using such technology. Previously, audio and video communication from underground to the surface has only possible due to Wi-Fi (a very notable Australian innovation…) or LTW powered wireless networks.
Another significant advantage of these Bluetooth capabilities is that mining companies can reach optimal connectivity without having to stop operations to lay cables and wires – a significant cost to the business.
Outre le transfert de flux audio et vidéo en direct vers la surface en temps réel, la technologie facilite les capacités existantes de localisation, de messagerie et de transfert de photos en temps réel.
Cela garantit que les équipes de surface peuvent avoir à la fois des yeux et des oreilles sous terre.
“Using our point-to-point network of nodes and technology platform, we have been able to stream audio and video in high quality and real time to the surface, allowing those above ground to hear and see what’s going on beneath them,” said GeoMoby CEO Chris Baudia.
M. Baudia a réitéré que la méthode de déploiement simple, sans câble et à faible perturbation permet de minimiser les interférences lors du déploiement de nouvelles méthodes visant à améliorer la communication.
“Key data transferred from underground to surface includes speed calculation alerts for vehicles and machinery, proximity awareness and real time proximity detection alerts,” he explained.
“These features, along with file transfer and geofencing technology, are being delivered through our updated Underground Zero Harm application, giving miners the advantage of a one stop technology shop for monitoring people and assets.”
– Chris Baudia, GeoMoby CEO

Le déploiement du système à la mine d'or et de nickel de Kalgoorlie impliquait l'installation de 16 nœuds sur 2 kilomètres de tunnels miniers souterrains. Cela a été réalisé en 2,5 heures sans impact sur les opérations générales de la mine.
“Our benchmark is entry level technicians correctly positioning or replacing nodes with no or minimal assistance from GeoMoby,” Mr Baudia added.
“Software diagnostic tools incorporated into the platform allow site personnel to detect any fault in the network and respond immediately, which is critical to ensuring communications remain intact at all times.”
Jody Herd, conseiller principal en SST de Karora, a noté qu'il y avait eu un changement radical d'opérateur depuis le lancement du nouveau système.
“Previously we tracked personnel and equipment underground the old school way with tag board systems, so we didn’t always know where everyone was at any given time without using a radio,” he said.
“We’ve already seen a change in operator behaviour due to workers understanding that machines are now monitored using the GeoMoby solution.”
– Jody Herd, Karora Senior OHS