Introducing Protect - Powered by GeoMoby
Safeguarding Cultural Heritage with Innovative Technology

Why Choose Protect?

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GeoMoby 2023

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Cultural Heritage Protection App

Protect combines advanced location intelligence technology with cultural sensitivity, allowing you to identify and protect culturally significant sites during mining operations.

Demonstrate your commitment to responsible resource extraction and maintain positive relationships with Aboriginal communities and regulatory bodies.

Cultural Heritage Preservation

Streamlined Compliance

Compliance with cultural heritage management requirements can be complex and time-consuming.

Protect simplifies the process by automating data collection, analysis, and reporting. Our app ensures accurate documentation, transparency, and accountability, saving you valuable time and resources.

Real-time Risk Mitigation

Accidental damage or disturbance to cultural heritage sites can have severe consequences. With Protect, you gain real-time monitoring and immediate notifications, enabling proactive risk mitigation.

Take timely actions, preventing potential legal disputes, reputational damage, and project delays.

Collaborative Partnerships

Effective collaboration with Aboriginal Corporations is key to sustainable mining practices. Protect serves as a platform to facilitating information sharing and meaningful engagement.

By incorporating Aboriginal perspectives and knowledge, you foster mutually beneficial partnerships and ensure cultural heritage preservation is at the forefront of decision-making.

During your exclusive trial period, you'll have access to the full suite of Protect features, allowing you to fully explore its capabilities and benefits. 

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